For me it's keeping a daily journal. I frequently realize the things I write about, the things that are important in retrospect, are not always the things that seemed important at the time.

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To stay grounded I practice putting things in perspective.

I often voluntarily expose myself to darkness to see the light in life.

This may mean to do something very uncomfortable, read about the many horrible things that humans do to each other, or imaging truly awful things.

Doing this, helps me appreciate life more and grounds me in gratitude.

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I try to put stoic principles to practice by wanting the things I already have and feeling content with that. Then if I do want or need something in addition I try to earn it or put in extra work before getting it.

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I workout or in moments of stress ask myself if this will actually matter to me when I’m 99.

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I stay grounded by resting on the mindset that God is sovereign and He is in control of everything. Specifically on situations where I am not able.

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Setting aside time for silence each day, even if for only 5 minutes, helps me to stay grounded. I look forward to reading more about it!

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I definitely find space for that balance between self-help/non-fiction books and those fiction ones I can just lose myself and the moment within. Daily yoga to wake up in the mornings, too, helps me to stay grounded.

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I try to utilize my commute for this time by turning off the audiobook/podcast and- Focus on disconnecting from where I am coming from and refocus on where I am going (Work<>Home).

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Going on walks/drives is always helpful to me, especially with no music so I can just let thoughts come and go

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Daily gratitude list to keep me focused on the good going on around me (because it's always there) and regular personal inventories to remind myself where I'm at and that I have room to grow

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Thanks for this review, I felt like I needed it this week. I've been toying with a job/career change the last month or so as I'm not satisfied in my current work. I'm going to pick up a copy of this in hopes I can gleam some usefulness from it.

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I use journaling as the way to stay grounded. It would be interesting to read a book to learn more about this topic.

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The best way to stay grounded: "That’s the whole story. Here now is my final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone’s duty" (Eccl 12:13), NLT.

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